So, onto the Sung. I completed these the other day and I've now finally got my first matched pair for DBA.
Please click each image to view a larger picture.
All figures are Essex and this army has all the options hence more than 12 bases.
So the first up is the Cv (Gen). Here he is in all his glory, looking like he's about to fall off his horse.
Next up is the Cv.
The Hd and the Ps.
And here are the Bd. Although hose look like spears to me. I've seen other peoples photos of their sung Bd units and they are the same figures so they must be right (?).
And now the Cb or bows.
The Art units - wasn't really sure exactly how these glued together but I think I guessed right. I was expecting 2 people per base but they look okay as they are I think.
And finally the Bw and Bd units.
I can't say I really enjoyed painting these guys as I was unable to find much info on the clothes etc. So I basically painted some of them exactly the same colours I've seen on Fanaticus and other sites. The rest I just made up. I particularly like the Art guys in their black with gold trim pajamas (althouth I'm sure they aren't called that).
Next up are the Hittites who are currently sat on nails in the garage soaking up some black undercoat. After that should have been the New Kingdom Egyptians BUT theres two reasons to delay them :
- they were originally going to be a HoTT army so I bought chariots driven by sabre tooth tigers and Bd's with animal heads. I'm not sure if people will accept those figures for DBA so I'm wondering wether to just buy the proper versions.
- more importantly, I've played one game of DBM and ordered my Carthagian army from Essex. With the help of my gaming mentor (Andrew Parkin if you must know), we (okay he, I just looked confused and started crying) worked out I could get Gallic, Spanish, Roman and Numidian DBA army packs plus a couple of elephants and some odds and sods. This means I will have LOADS more DBA armies. God I hope I have enough paint.... :)
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