Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Hittite Empire

Next up is my hastily painted Hittites. I'll say now, I'm not overly happy with the bases which are basically just PVA and sand with the odd bit of gravel and yellow grass. I should have done more, maybe painted the sand or textured the bases first.

So, first up is the 1xLCh(Gen). He's the one with the red feather.

And heres the support chariots - 3xLCh.

And here are the Ps - one of these is optional.

And the optional replacement for 1x2Ps is the 1x7Hd. A bit blurry as I have no photographic skills whatsoever.

And finally part of the 6x3Sp. I was going to detail the shields but decided to leave them plain as I would probably have ruined them.

So why hastily painted ? Because I've got a DBM army to paint ! I've already started the Numidian contingent so hopefully they will be finished in a weeks or so (depending on how often I actually sit down and do some painting).

Washing up is beckoning.........

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